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278 A Street, Unit 4
Friday Harbor, Washington 98250

(360) 378-0150

Our mission is to provide the highest caliber, most professional instruction on San Juan Island. We specialize in programs that create leaner, stronger, more flexible and well balanced bodies. We are fully qualified to assist your physical therapist and other specialists with a rehabilitation program through corrective exercise therapy. The Studio offers individual and semi-private sessions in the Pilates method plus a dynamic schedule of group exercise classes.

Anna Spears

Anna Spears

Front Desk

Anna believes movement and mental health go hand in hand, and that when her body is active her mind feels calm. Her personal movement history includes dance (tap, jazz, ballet, modern) from age three through college along with a few years of cheerleading. Prior to finding pilates, she ran, hiked and adopted a personal yoga practice. While she often finds solace in the outdoors or through yoga, the reformer remains her favorite. Anna believes she’s gotten so much stronger and more confident in her ability as a mover with The Studio in her life and plans to be 90 years old still doing pilates.

At The Studio, Anna is the bridge between the clients and the instructors. Anna loves interacting with clientele as they come through the door. She strives to add a little light to each of their days and believes they do that for her too. Anna loves how The Studio is a cozy meeting place for people who prioritize movement. She is constantly inspired to be the best version of herself through watching those around her doing the same. To Anna, The Studio feels like one big, beautiful family and the employees of The Studio are all bright shining lights. They are some of her closest friends and truly feel like family.

Anna moved to the island in her early 20s on a whim. She planned to only stay for a season and ended up planting roots and raising her family here. When Anna isn’t at The Studio, she’s spending time with her sweet kiddos, working on building her house, stealing away a few moments to spend time with friends, or seeking a peaceful moment for herself.